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Luna Rise


Life Into

Your Home



LunaRise Restorations Dallas Historic Homebuilders. LunaRise provides betterment to neighborhoods and families by building quality homes in historic Dallas communities where generations of families continue to evolve and develop.  Our mission is to invest with financial prudence for a desired return while providing a stable and independent financial outcome for our customers.





Cherry Hall has been renovating homes in Dallas for over six years, focusing on neighborhoods where families are deeply invested in their communities including East Dallas, University Meadows, Fisher Road and White Rock Lake. Projects range in value from $10K to $3M in home valued at $200K to $10M. As a child, Cherry was inspired by her family who renovated homes. Her natural tendencies as an adult was to fall into those same footsteps of experience but with an added purpose of helping ALL people live well. “Wellness” includes safety, pride, financial independence, and health related homebuilding choices. Cherry is structured in her renovation process which is defined by her military service in the Army.


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